Short summary:

The story begins with two best friends, Terrence Allen and Donovan Michaels, who are eager to reconnect with an old friend. But this old friend offered new surprising changes in his life now, including how he had a family and a sister named Veronica, who eventually became involved with Terrence and shortly after a period of time, went missing. It is a striking tale that revolves around a missing woman, Veronica and the investigation of her case that results in the birth of lies, secrets, betrayals, and more death.


Short summary:

Upon love and its mystery to love someone, no one has a better idea or answer to make love last. This is why Marshall B. Abbott is surprised about his wife and what happened to their marriage, which lead him to get involved with Olivia, a married woman. And then, he met Sarah, a second woman who is also married. This is an unexpected event for Marshall, concerning these two new married women who suddenly entered into his life now.


Garrison L. Moreland was born and raised in New York City. He currently lives in the Bronx, where he has lived for the most of his life. After college and a number of years working in various industries, he returned to his original love of writing, which is poetry. But in the coming years, he worked hard to improve his craft as a writer, and later on, was able to publish a number of works, along with essays and short stories.


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